How to Do College Board's IDOC

You may have recently completed the FAFSA, and maybe you were also required to complete the dreaded CSS Profile. That has to be it, right? RIGHT!?!? Sorry, there is usually at least one more step, documentation collection. And the IDOC is a common way for colleges to collect documents. Let’s take a look at how you can complete the IDOC process through the College Board.

Completing College Board’s IDOC

Which Schools Don’t Require the CSS Profile? >>

What is College Board’s IDOC?

So what is IDOC? First of all, it's short for Institutional Documentation Service. It's officially the online system that the College Board uses to collect families' federal tax returns and other documents on behalf of participating colleges and programs.

How to Complete the IDOC

Within days of completing the CSS Profile students are notified if they have IDOC requirements. They are encouraged to log into a page like this. You will need to input two of the following three pieces of information:

  1. CBFinAid ID: This can usually be found in the College Board email directing you to complete the IDOC. You can also find this by logging back into your complete CSS Profile.

  2. Social Security Number

  3. Date of Birth

Which Forms Does the IDOC Require?

Once you make it through the log in screen, you will be asked to provide documentation and/or complete additional documents. This may include tax forms, signature pages indicating a student didn’t file taxes, or verification forms to verify information that was listed on the CSS Profile.

You will be able to access the forms, complete and sign them, and then upload them to the IDOC upon completion. There are certain forms that you can generate online signatures for. These will be sent to the email associated with the parent and student.

There is a lot to be gained from our free general financial aid advice, but it’s also a very individual process. If you have remaining financial aid questions, email us to discuss more or book an individual session.


How to Log Into FAFSA


How to Find FAFSA-Only Private Colleges